Berkeley Flexible Work Time Initiative



About Us



Work Time and
the Environment

Work Time and
the Family

Work Time and
the Good Life

Work Time and Economics

Work Time Choice
is a Success

Work Time Choice: Model Policies


Classic Essays

Leaflet [PDF]

Initiative Text





If you are a Berkeley Resident, please endorse our initiative. To endorse,
email us your name (and, if you want, an affiliation for identification only).

Our initiative is endorsed by these organizations:

  • Sierra Club
  • Berkeley Democratic Club
  • National Women's Political Caucus - Alameda North
  • Green Party of Alameda County
  • Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
  • Berkeley Gray Panthers
  • Berkeley Citizens Action
  • Council of Neighborhood Associations
  • Alameda County Democratic Party
  • The Daily Californian

... and by these elected officials:

  • Tom Bates, Mayor of Berkeley
  • Councilmember Max Anderson
  • Councilmember Jesse Arreguin
  • Councilmember Laurie Capitelli
  • Councilmember Darryl Moore
  • Councilmember Susan Wengraf
  • Councilmember Kriss Worthington
  • Councilmember Gordon Wozniak

... and by many individuals, including:

Bill McKibben: Founder of

"A valuable initiative. Academic research demonstrates shorter work hours cut carbon...."

- Bill McKibben, Founder of, author of Deep Economy and other books.

Bill McKibben


Prof. Juliet Schor: Author of True Wealth

"The Berkeley Flexible Work Time Initiative is a pioneering step in the direction of an economy that gives people more choice and enhances family and community life. And perhaps most surprisingly, it is also a vital step for constructing a pathway to a low-carbon economy that can protect our climate. My research shows that shorter hours of work have a strong impact in reducing carbon footprints and carbon emissions. I’m hopeful that the measure will pass."

- Juliet Schor, Professor of Sociology at Boston College, author of True Wealth, The Overworked American, and other books.

juliet schor


John de Graaf: Director of Take Back Your Time

"As Executive Director of Take Back Your Time, I enthusiastically support the Berkeley flexible hours initiative. Overwork and rigid work schedules have been toxic to Americans' health and social connections, while actually harming rather than helping productivity and creativity. Berkeley has been a leader in smart ideas and best practices. I know that if this initiative passes it will greatly improve work-life balance in Berkeley, and those of us in the rest of the country will take notice and emulate your successes."

- John de Graaf, Executive Director of Take Back Your Time, co-author of Affluenza and of other books

John de Graaf


Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Director of the Shalom Center

"Disemployment and overwork go hand in hand, depriving human individuals and communities of the values of both time for honorable work with a living income, and time for renewal of family, neighborly relations, grass-roots political activism, civic service, and spiritual search. Allowing choices of work hours would respond to the deepest teachings of all our traditions, that human beings and the Earth need time for reflective restfulness."

- Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Director of the Shalom Center, Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Arthur Waskow

Joan Blades: Co-founder of (video)

"It's wonderful that Berkeley has a Flexible Work Initiative being proposed. "

- Joan Blades, co-founder of, founder of, author of The Custom-Fit Workplace and of other books.




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